
Josef Schärmer

Quote of the week
Yes, that was the professor Molterer - history, geography. And that has always interested me. I have since learned never, but I knew everything. But - the Molterer, who was a Fußballnarr. He liked to play football. At that time I played football, and now we are out there in gym class the Tivoli. As I understand it, to always give the decisive moment the ball to him so that he will score the goal. So, since I have been really - And there was the saying of the week. And somehow, by itself really, it has come to recite whatever I had, afterwards. First, there has been changed. And then I thought, so that - I have had the impudence and had about a year or longer always the same recite not changed. And since I know the professor of Latin and Greek - the Rohracher, the brother of the late Bishop of Salzburg. If the first hour has been ... And he just has laughed when I gave up always the same. And then - have become increasingly bolder. Mathematics professor - and since then I have been saying as saying of the week: "Before, we were treated quite well and now we are better but it would be better if we would go right again..." Gossip, had I been slapped in the face! So, and that was all - action, because I .. As was the - was the professor also say - no - that is to be far from being a Nazi. And would have been enough that I would possibly be expelled from school. Something like - yes, .. the sayings recitation.